Monday, January 7, 2013

Washington Post Columnist George Will Has a Good Lead Sentence in an Otherwise Unintelligible Column

So Here’s the Good Sentence; You Can Discard the Rest of Mr. Will’s Prose

Writing for the editorial pages of the Washington Post conservative commentator George Will is mostly, as Mr. Spock would say, illogical.  This week he is largely incoherent, with a column devoted to musing about the history of college football and Notre Dame.  Really, we have read it several times and have no idea the point Mr. Will is trying to make.  It sounds like maybe he is against colleges investing heavily in football programs, or maybe he is for it if it s Notre Dame, but he never really says so.

But he does start the column with a great line.

‘Yet another reason to revere Calvin Coolidge is that he thought the Chicago Bears were a circus act.

Of course if that line were being said today it would refer to the Buffalo Bills.  The Dismal Political Economist is a former resident of western New York, a long time suffering Bills fan, a person who has watched uncontested evidence of why a person in their 90’s should not operate a business.  The Bills lost four Super Bowls in a row, a record that will surely stand as long as Joe DiMaggio’s 56 game hitting streak, and now they have missed the playoff longers than any other team in the league.  That is a real circus act.  And even worse, Joltin Joe has left and gone away.

As for Coolidge, the best line attributed to him refers to his unwillingness to say very much.  As he reportedly put it, you rarely have to apologize for something you didn't say.  Would that everyone include this Forum would adhere to that.

1 comment:

  1. Woman at White House event: President Coolidge, I bet my husband I could get you to say three words to me tonight.

    Coolidge: You lose.
