Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Education is Investment, Investment Leads to Growth and Productivity and a Competitive Economy that Creates Jobs

So Let’s Make Sure Education is Cut

Investment in economic and financial terms is defined as a current expenditure for which the benefits accrue over a future period, at least several years and possibly several decades.  Education is an expenditure that fits this definition.

So while everyone wants the U. S. economy to grow, create jobs, and become more competitive in the world, the current policy is to cut education.  The New York Times reports

And from the story we have

After several years of state and local budget cuts, thousands of school districts across the nation are gutting summer-school programs, cramming classes into four-day weeks or lopping days off the school year, even though virtually everyone involved in education agrees that American students need more instruction time.

Exactly how this policy will result in a better economy was to be covered in class, but due to budget restraints time for that discussion has been cut out of the curriculum.  That’s ok, school administrators said, we couldn’t explain it anyway.

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