Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Republicans Want to Spend Government Money – On Themselves

Well Maybe They Didn’t Want To, Maybe They Just Had To

One of the problems any citizen has in trying to support the Conservatives who have taken over control of the Washington agenda is that they always seem to act differently then what they say they are for.  A Wednesday report in Politico documents the rather lavish spending that Freshman Conservative Republicans have engaged in since taking office in January.

Now this is not to say that Democrats have not been very generous with taxpayer money when they have had the opportunity, they have.  However, it is Conservative Republicans who have campaigned on austerity for the federal budget, you know, the deficit means we cannot afford to aid education, child health care, nutrition and all those programs that may actually provide some good for some people.  So one would expect that Conservative Republicans would want to set an example where they have the power to unilaterally spend federal dollars.  If so, one would be disappointed.

The biggest newly elected spender in this realm is Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger, who authorized spending $78,518 in taxpayer money on “mass mailings and communications” — just under $900 for every day he was in office during the first three months of his congressional career.


Republican Rep. Richard Hanna, who spent $60,585 last quarter, told his constituents in upstate New York that he “cut $100 billion in government spending.” Hanna also said he “voted to reform the health care law to make it more affordable and accessible.” House Republicans, in fact, missed the mark to cut $100 billion in spending. Hanna’s office did not reply to requests for comment.

Some Republicans do live up to their standards

The spending habits of freshmen like Kinzinger contrast with those of other high-profile rookie members who spent nothing on congressional franking during the first quarter, including Republican Reps. Allen West and Sandy Adams of Florida, Rick Berg of North Dakota and Larry Bucshon of Indiana. Some Republican frosh have so far decided against leasing cars on the taxpayer dime as well. Many lawmakers don’t send mailings in the first quarter, insiders say.

and maybe those that do ought to send a little message to those that don’t.  Or maybe the message should come from the voters.

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