Saturday, June 11, 2011

Perry to Run for President, or Leave the Union, Palin Was Advised by Gingrich, Sharron Angle Does Not Know Harry Reid . . .

Short Takes on the News Because It’s a Summer Weekend

Texas Gov. Rick Perry is considering running for President, or having Texas secede from the Union.  He’s promised to let us know which.

In the mountain of e-mails of Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin that were released Friday was information that she was advised on PR by Newt Gingrich.  Wonder how that turned out.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich will be joining Obama, Biden and Boehner for golf.  He will be the one with the non-union caddy.

Clive Crook, the Washington Correspondent of the Financial Times says

I want to take Republicans seriously, but they do make it hard.”

Companies in China are coming under fire for allegedly misleading investors.  Who says we cannot export American values?  And to those investors that are losing, don’t you maybe want to re-think your opposition to the SEC?

Sharron Angle, who lost a race to Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid says voters should “make a choice based on the facts and the record, not just what a person looks like or has a charismatic personality.”  So even though Ms. Angle ran against Mr. Reid, apparently she never met him.

The Wall Street Journal reports that NBCUniversal Realizes Olympic Dream.  Apparently that dream is to lose hundreds of millions of dollars televising the Olympic Games.

The Journal also reports that General Motors has about $30 billion in cash and only about $5 billion in auto debt.  So how did that auto bailout thing work out for you Mr. Obama?

McKinsey and Company did a study and said they found that under the new health care law 30% of employers would drop employee health care coverage.  McKinsey would not release the methodology, not even to the White House, because as The Dismal Political Economist has learned,  McKinsey got its results mixed up and the 30% number is the percentage of future Medicare eligible recipients who would not have health care if the Ryan proposal went into effect.

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