Wednesday, June 1, 2011

150 Economists Support Massive Spending Cuts as a Condition for Raising the Debt Ceiling

In Related News, A Survey Finds 150 Economists Who Have Never Heard of Keynesian Economic Theory

The Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives today released a list of 150 Economists who support reducing government spending by an amount of the increase in the debt ceiling. 

Now The Dismal Political Economist has long believed that anyone can find a group of people to support anything if one just looks hard enough.  He also feels certain there are far more than 150 Economists who support cutting government spending as a way to create jobs and stimulate the economy even though such a policy is contrary to the most basic fundamentals of modern Economic Theory. (after all, someone has to finish at the bottom of the class in a Ph. D. program in Econ).   Obviously these two concepts have now merged.

In a related note, Mitt Romney’s campaign reported that they just received 150 applications from Economists to serve in a Romney administration if one is elected.

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