Wednesday, June 27, 2012

An Interview with Mitt “the Dodger” Romney on His Positions on Immigration, Immigration Reform and the Supreme Court Ruling that Most of Arizona’s Immigration Law That He Praised is Unconstitutional

No, Not a Real Interview, But a Real Interview Would  Have Gone This Way

The campaign of Mitt Romney to be President is becoming somewhat of a joke, although the joke will be on everybody else if Mr. Romney is elected.  The latest farce is Mr. Romney’s refusal to say or comment on anything with respect to immigration.  He refused to comment on President Obama’s policy of not persecuting and prosecuting young people brought to the country illegally, and he refuses to comment on the Supreme Court decision to overturn much of Arizona’s immigration law. Here is an example of the exchange between a reporter and Romney's spokesperson.

QUESTION: Does (Romney) support the law as it was drafted in Arizona?
GORKA: "The governor supports the right of states, that's all we're going to say on this issue."

Since Mr. Romney will not accept or answer questions on this or many other topics, The Dismal Political Economist feels he has an obligation to present what the interview on the subject of immigration might look like were Mr. Romney to submit to questions.

  1. Do you think an 18 year old who was brought to this country at the age of 3 and just now graduated high school should be arrested and sent back to her native country?

Romney:  I think you know my position on that issue.

  1. Uh no, we don’t, that why we are asking the question.

Romney:  I believe I have been perfectly clear as to what I believe.

  1. Well, could you clarify your position for us?

Romney:  If you look to my past statements I think you will find the answer.

  1. That’s the problem, we have looked at your past statements and they seem to be in conflict with your current position.

Romney:  I haven’t changed my feelings on the subject, I have been consistently inconsitent, something no one else in the campaign can claim.  I don’t think it is necessary to rehash what I have already said, besides did I mention Mr. Obama does not know how to create jobs and I do.

  1. If you become President will you overturn Mr. Obama’s directives on immigration?

Romney:  As President I would have the authority to do so.

  1. Yes, we know that, but the question is would you do so?

Romney:  I will review the situation carefully and if I determine that prior policy was not appropriate I may reverse it or I may leave it in place.  That’s what a President who is a leader does.  Just because I determine that actions by Mr. Obama were wrong doesn’t mean I should change them.  Did I mention I know how to create jobs?

  1. The Supreme Court decision still allows Arizona officers to ask for proof of legal residency when they stop someone, do you think this is correct?

Romney:  If I am stopped, and I hope I am, particularly if I have that dog strapped to the top of the car then I will have no trouble with the officers.  Look, my name is Mitt Romney, that’s not an Hispanic name?  So obviously I am in the country legally.  If Hispanic people don’t want to be harassed by the police they should change their names to Mitt Romney.

  1. But doesn’t demanding to see someone’s ‘papers’ smack of the old East German Stasi tactics?

Romney:  Look as long as we are not emulating the French I don’t think it’s important if we are doing what the former East Germany did..  If I am elected every policy I support and implement will be “French tested” and if there is anything “French” about it then it will not be done.  I don’t think its fair to compare the fine people of old East Germany with today’s French.  Obama’s policy is too French with respect to immigration, mine won’t be.

  1. So can we quote you as being in favor of Arizona’s programs?

Romney:  Absolutely, but maybe not.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry DPE. The actual exchange between the interviewer and Gorka is even more absurd than your hypothetical one.
