Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Today in Vomit: Head of Company that Provides Mercenaries Wants Trumpie to Use Them in Afghanistan

Turning the Back on American Heritage and Tradition

One of the things every school child learns in history is the great victory George Washington won in Trenton over the British. But it wasn't over the real British, it was over Hessian mercenaries hired by the British. From that one victory the tradition in America is that Americans fight for America. We don't use hired troops because our wars, even the ones we should not be fighting, are fought out of patriotism.

We did use mercenaries in Iraq, and there was some huge problems. Now the head of one of the for profit companies that provided mercenaries wants to argue that we use them in Afghanistan.

Here is the proposal.

My proposal is for a sustainable footprint of 2,000 American Special Operations and support personnel, as well as a contractor force of less than 6,000 (far less than the 26,000 in country now). This team would provide a support structure for the Afghans, allowing the United States’ conventional forces to return home.

This is a horrible insult to the many brave Americans serving in the Armed Forces. What Erik Prince is saying is that they are not effective but his merry band of mercenaries can do the job.

If the president pursues this third path, I, too, would vigorously compete to implement a plan that saves American lives, costs less than 20 percent of current spending and saves American taxpayers more than $40 billion a year. Just as no one criticizes Elon Musk because his company SpaceX helps supply American astronauts, no one should criticize a private company — mine or anyone else’s — for helping us end this ugly multigenerational war.

Try not to upchuck while you read this and remember that the author would make millions, probably billions and that his conclusion above is pure fantasy.  But tell you what Erik, we have a volunteer army and since you love your country so much and want to fix Afghanistan we are sure there is a place for you at the head of a combat unit risking its life to help America and the world.  Go right ahead and join them, we won't stop you.

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