Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Meanwhile Without Any Fanfare Betsy DeVos Testified on Her Plans to Destroy Discrimination Free Education

More Important Stuff Than Ivanka’s New Clothes Line

Real important news is being drowned out by the Trump Russian/Flynn/FBI fiasco.  Like the testimony of Ed Sec Betsy DeVos on her department’s budget.  As usual, the WaPo has the critical news of the day.

For example, will federal funds to private and for profit schools prohibit discrimination?  She won’t say they will.  Here is part of her discussion with Senator Merkley.

Merkley: But those laws are somewhat foggy in that area. So I want to be absolutely clear about what you are saying. Are you saying that if you have a private school — private schools generally set their own admission policies — that they will not be allowed under your program to discriminate against LGBTQ students?
DeVos: Senator, I said it before and I’ll say it again, that schools that receive federal funds must follow federal law.
Merkley: And I just said federal law is foggy. So in your understanding of federal law, will such discrimination be allowed?
DeVos: In areas where the law is unsettled, this department is not going to be issuing decrees. That is a matter for Congress and the courts. …

Okay, pretty clear there.  Nothing will come from her department prohibiting discrimination.  And so for the first time in decades federal funding will support organizations that engage in prejudice and bigotry.  Sad but true in 2017 America.

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