Saturday, September 3, 2011

Mr. Obama is President of a Country That Does Not Exist, Rick Perry is a Smart Campaigner but May Not be a Smart _______ (fill in the blank yourself) . .

And Quotes in the News That Need Little or No Comment

Writing in the Financial Times renown and respected columnist Martin Wolf says this about Mr. Obama.

Mr Obama wishes to be president of a country that does not exist. In his fantasy US, politicians bury differences in bipartisan harmony. In fact, he faces an opposition that would prefer their country to fail than their president to succeed. 

Thus summarizing in two sentences what may well be the epitaph of the Obama Presidency.

The President had decided he needs to address a joint session of Congress on jobs at the same time that the Republicans will be debating in CaliforniaWhen asked

The White House press secretary, Jay Carney, said “of course not” when asked whether White House officials chose the time of Mr. Obama’s speech to interfere with the Republican debate. 

Mr. Carney thus succeeded in making the White House look both “truth challenged” and politically inept all at the same time, not an easy task even for a White House this politically inept.  When asked if he thought the White House had shot themselves in the foot by trying to schedule the Joint Session speech on Wednesday Mr. Carney in a rare momment of truth replied that this White House had previously shot off both feet, and so could no longer claim to be shooting themselves in the foot.

Marc Thiessen, another one of the many Conservatives that now roam the pages of the Washington Post writes this about Texas Gov. and Presidential Candidate Rick Perry.

So the question is: If Rick Perry is so “dumb,” why is he such a smart campaigner?

Are you listening Mr. Romney, really, do you hear this at all?

Gov. Chris Christies of New Jersey is one of those budget hawk politicians who wants the government to spend less and less, except of course when it comes to his state of New Jersey.  Mr. Christie always seems to be first in line for federal money, that is, when he is not denouncing spending.  Now he is angry that budget disputes may hold up Federal aid to New Jersey.

Associated Press
Valerie Meter, 61, right, wiped tears as she walked with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, center, and her neighbor Steve Verduin on Tuesday. The governor was inspecting damage from river flooding in Wayne, N.J.

Nobody was asking about offsetting budget cuts in Joplin,” Christie said, referring to the tornado-ravaged town in Missouri town, “and I don’t want to hear about the fact that offsetting budget cuts have to come first before New Jersey citizens are taken care of.”

Mr. Christie was no doubt concerned that any delays would prevent him from taking credit for any funding by the Federal government.

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